Entroido de Cobres

Carnival is an ancestral festival that is lost in time, perhaps rituals of pagan origin that with the passing of time and generation after generation achieved the traditional character with which it is maintained today.

Entroido de Cobres

El Carnaval es una fiesta  ancestral que se pierde en el tiempo, quizás rituales de origen pagano que con el paso del tiempo y generación tras generación fue consiguiendo el carácter  tradicional con el que se mantiene hoy en día.


The starting point of what is now known as the Entroido de Cobres, but was also known as the Antroido dos Cobres, whose main characters are the madamas and the galáns,  is not clearly defined. However, we know that the madamas and galáns used to be found along the entire Vigo estuary, but only in Cobres continues.

Foto antigua en Blanco y negro de Madamas y Los de Blanco.
Un grupo de Madamas y Galáns a bailar en Vilaboa todos juntos en fila.

Continuity over time

According to the testimonies in the documentary “Madamas e galáns: Historia do Entroido de Cobres”, the Entroido de Cobres has been held uninterruptedly since the 18th century, except during the Spanish Civil War and in 2021, during the COVID pandemic.


The Entroido de Cobres is the only traditional carnival in Galicia whose main characters do not wear masks. It is a carnival to “show off”, where the main characters display the beauty of their costumes and their striking decorations.

Una Madama y un Galan del entroido de Cobres bailando cerca de una paisaje de Vilaboa.
Un gallo dibujado con los colores típicos del entroido de cobres de forma geomética.

Corrida do gallo

The central day of the Entroido de Cobres is Tuesday due to the celebration of the Corrida do Galo, which is also a local holiday. The event has started at 4 PM from time immemorial, always opened by a performance of the madamas and galáns.


Here you can see all the news about the Entroido de Cobres.


Here you can see all the events associated with the Entroido of Cobres.

Cobres Carnival 2025

Cobres Carnival 2025

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