On this page you can see all the news associated with the Entroido de Cobres. To follow the news live you can do it through our SM.
Last meetings of the year: Santiago, Lisbon and Salceda de Caselas.
After the summer break, the Entroido de Cobres resumed its agenda in Santiago de Compostela and...
Carnival groups from Spain and Portugal shared traditions and culture last Saturday at Vilaboa
Parades, contests, gastronomy, dances, and entertainment made up an intense programme for an...
The Entroido de Cobres travelled to Bemposta (Portugal), and Viana do Bolo and Vilariño do Conso (Ourense)
The Entroido de Cobres continues to share its culture and tradition with other carnival traditions...
More than 3,000 people support the bid for the Entroido de Cobres to become a Festival of National Tourist Interest
The massive turnout caused the promotional items designed with the newly created brand image to...