Cultural Value of the Festival

This traditional Entroido which is held every year from Saturday to Tuesday during the Carnival in the parishes of San Adrián and Santa Cristina de Cobres, in the municipality of Vilaboa, and which reaches its climax with the Corrida do Galo held on Tuesday afternoon in the esplanade of the Riomaior Casa da Cultura, is of incalculable value to the neighbours of Cobres —a value that they want to share with anyone who wants to participate.

The cultural value of the festival is due to many factors: firstly, its history and its continuity over time. We would now like to talk about two other key factors: its originality —due to the costumes of its main characters— and the diversity of the events that constitute the festival, which lasts 4 days over the Carnival period, from Saturday to Tuesday.


The Entroido de Cobres is the only traditional carnival in Galicia whose main characters do not wear masks. It is a carnival to “show off”, where the main characters display the beauty of their costumes and their striking decorations.

Their hats are unique, as are the costumes of both madamas and galáns, as every individual involved selects their colour, beads, the placement of the gems, and even the shape and weight of the hats (which, on average, weigh about 6 kg for the madamas and about 4kg for the galáns). Let us now introduce the Entroido characters in detail.


She is the main character, as she is the one who is the most “dressed up”. Her costume consists of different pieces, all very elaborate. A white blouse and black shoes are the basis of the costume, as well as tight stockings to face the cold.

The costume includes a skirt adorned with decorated bows, an apron, also with decorated bows, a belt decorated with costume jewellery and beads, a peitoril or breast piece (which weighs between 2 and 3kg), full of necklaces, decorated shoulder pads (this is optional), bows on the arms and back, feather boas around the neck, and then the hat, which is covered in flowers, necklaces and other ornaments, which weight about 6kg, although in the past they could weigh up to 10kg. (It should be borne in mind that the madamas dance through the streets of the parishes for 4 days).


The galán is the madama’s proud companion in this festival. His costume is simpler, but equally elegant. A white shirt, white trousers with a side ribbon, and black shoes are the basis of his costume.

The costume includes three embroidered silk shawls, two of which are crossed over the shoulders, one at the waist. The galán also wears bows on his arms and in back, as well as a colourful hat like the madama‘s, only smaller.

Bailaríns de branco

The “ones in white”

Women wear the same clothes as the madamas but go hatless. Men dress like the galáns, only with a red beret adorned with ribbons and beads.

The musicians

The testimonies of our elders speak of pipers, but photographs also show music bands, not only pipers. In the last 50 years, a band of bagpipes and other traditional Galician instruments, including some band instruments such as trumpet, flute or saxophone, has always played the procession tunes.. Currently it is the Aires e Cobres Pipe Band.

Other characters

The villagers and women wearing other dresses have disappeared as participants in the Entroido dances.

The vellos now only appear on Tuesday afternoon, at the Corrida do Galo. Similar costumes are used by the majachos who hassle participants in the night parties held after the end of every festival day in Cobres. Orchestras, trios and groups play the music for the dances in the Cobres parishes. These are the only characters of this traditional carnival that wear masks, something that is also unique to the Entroido de Cobres.

The figure of the preacher was brought back in 2024, and their sharp tongue dissects the year’s events in the village. The preacher also reads out the Last Will of the Cock before it is burn at the end of Tuesday afternoon.

The Cock

The Corrida do Galo, which is very similar to other festivals held in other regions in Europe, is the climax of the Entroido de Cobres, the culmination of the many traditional events that have been updated over time and the more modern elements.

The cock as the central animal of the carnival celebrations, which is finally sacrificed (now using a dummy), is common in other regions, such as Mercerreyes or Val de Valdivieso (Burgos)[1]. In both cases, the cock is sacrificed by marriageable young women, as the cock in the Entroido de Cobres originally was. This ritual associated with courtship or marriage is also found in other countries such as Germany, Austria, Czechia, and Hungary. This links the sacrifice of the cock during the Entroido de Cobres with other regions not only in Spain, but also in Europe, which makes it even more valuable as a tradition maintained over time.

The Corrida do Galo now involves its old version, where the vellos guard the cock (dummy), the cock in the river and on the cock on the pole –which were added more recently–, the performances by the madamas and galáns, as well as the veterans, and the preacher’s speech. Then the recovered sword dance is held before the fictitious cock is sacrificed at the end of the dance. Finally, the preacher gives the Sermon of the Cock, and the cock is burnt amid fireworks.

[1] We refer here again to the studies contained in the work published by Anxo Rosales González for Cadernos da Sociedade Antropolóxica Galega. No. 1 – Year 2014.


The Entroido de Cobres has been increasing its temporal range of celebration in the last decades, since before the celebration itself, from Saturday to Tuesday of carnival, the performers at the year’s Entroido are now presented (usually the weekend before it is held) in certain parishes (not only Cobres) in the municipality of Vilaboa. The most outstanding performance takes place in Salinas de Ulló.

Presentation of Entroido de Cobres

This usually takes place the weekend before the carnival dates. Meeting points are chosen in each parish of the municipality of Vilaboa, and the performers dance for the local residents[2] . On Sunday afternoon, the most beautiful performance is held in the natural environment of Salinas do Ulló, which is always warmly received by the audience. It is very colourful due to the wonderful natural backdrop.[3]

In addition, Entroido participants perform in schools and senior centres, both in the municipality of Vilaboa and in other municipalities in the province of Pontevedra. Similarly, they take part in those activities held by the Cobres Cultural Association and the Vilaboa Town Council to highlight the value of our culture and traditions.

[1] 2024 presentation in Vilaboa parishes.

[2] 2024 presentation in Salinas do Ulló.

Dos Madamas y dos Galáns posan para la Foto.

Procession through the parishes of San Adrián and Santa Cristina de Cobres

The daily schedule from Saturday to Monday is approximately from 10:00 AM to 7-8 PM. The last performance is always held in the festival tent on the esplanade in front of the Riomaior Casa de la Cultura, where the party takes place every night, and where the Corrida do Galo is held on Carnival Tuesday. On Tuesday, the schedule is from 10:00 AM to 1 PM, approximately. The procession also ends at the tent, before lunch, in order to get ready for the Corrida, when participants wear their best clothes.

The procession route, which has remained stable over time in recent decades, begins on Saturday morning from the Riomaior Casa de la Cultura, following the national road N554 to San Adrián de Cobres through Pazos, Pousada, Curra, Santradán and Ubeiras. In the afternoon it starts in Santa Cristina de Cobres, going through the neighbourhoods of Vilar, A Rúa, Muíño and O Costal. On Sunday, the procession starts from Santa Cristina, visiting Riomaior, the Muíño port area, Barciel and Mangüeiro in the morning, and afternoon Magarella, Lufiña, Cernadas and the remaining Muíño are in the afternoon.

On Monday the procession goes through San Adrián de Cobres: Pousada and Nores in the morning, Pazos in the afternoon. Tuesday morning is the time for A Cardiña in San Adrián de Cobres, a neighbourhood that has a great Entroido tradition, Paradellas in Santa Cristina de Cobres, and Sobreira, which is also part of San Adrián de Cobres.

The start of the procession is announced with fireworks every day, as is its arrival at the tent. Likewise, as already explained, a WhatsApp group makes it possible to follow the procession route in live time.

Night party

Every night a band, group, orchestra and recently a DJ provides the music for the dance, which is attended by the entire neighbourhood of Cobres and its surrounding areas, as well as visitors who want to enjoy music in a pleasant environment. These performances are paid for with the donations obtained from the tour of the neighbourhoods.

The Corrida do Galo

The central day of the Entroido de Cobres is Tuesday due to the celebration of the Corrida do Galo, which is also a local holiday. The event has started at 4 PM from time immemorial, always opened by a performance of the madamas and galáns. Then the traditional games being, in the following order:

Un gallo dibujado con los colores típicos del entroido de cobres de forma geomética.
Galo no Río – Cock in the River

A thick pole is placed on the river, based on one of its banks. Participants must walk on it to grab a dummy cock hanging from a pole held from the opposite riverbank. Whoever touches the cock wins the prize. Those who fail get no reward, only a dip in the cold February waters.

Galo na Vara – Cock on the Pole

A thick, very tall (approximately 5 metres) pole is raised, stuck on the floor, and a dummy cock is hanged from the top. Participants must climb to reach it. Whoever reaches the cock or comes closest to it wins the prize.

Un gallo dibujado con los colores típicos del entroido de cobres de forma geomética.
Un gallo dibujado con los colores típicos del entroido de cobres de forma geomética.
Corrida do Galo– Running of the Cock

It is the oldest game, and it gives its name to the Tuesday afternoon event. The vellos, masked characters, guard a dummy cock that is buried in the ground, while unmasked characters try to steal it. If they succeed, the unmasked characters win the prize. If they fail, the vellos win the prize.

The Corrida do Galo has had its own speaker for some years now, who tells the audience what is going on at all times. In recent years quality audiovisual services have also been provided, so that the event can be remotely followed on screens by those who are not on the Riomaior esplanade. Performances of madamas and galáns, veterans, and often guest troupes from neighbouring municipalities perform on a stage.

Presentador 2024

Madamas y Galanes 2024

Comparsa 2024

Once the games are over, groups of dancers and musicians perform, if they have been included that year. Then, the preacher gives their sermon in verse, mockingly describing the main events of the past year.

Then madamas and galáns and the Entroido veterans perform again, followed by the recovered traditions of the sword dance and the symbolic sacrifice of the cock.

Finally, the sermon of the cock is read while a large fake cock, decorated with feathers and paper and full of fireworks, is burnt. This is a very emotional moment, because, even though a party is held on Tuesday night, this is when the journey of the madamas and galáns and the Entroido de Cobres comes to an end.

In recent years a new tradition has also been incorporated to the Entroido de Cobres: an aperitif and lunch for those attending the Entroido de Cobres on Tuesday, who can watch the performance at the end of the tour of the parishes in the tent at around 1 PM, stay for lunch, and then watch the Corrida do Galo which starts at 4 PM.

The Morada

Between 15 days and a month after the Entroido, the Morada is held, a meal where the members of the Entroido of Cobres are honoured, accompanied by music, and which can be attended by neighbours of Cobres (or any other visitor who wishes to attend), for a fee.

Encontro de Entroidos

This has not been a traditional part of the festival, but it is part of the transmission of the Entroido de Cobres culture and tradition. The Cobres Cultural Association coordinates the presence of the Entroido de Cobres in multiple events in other locations in order to bring the tradition to as many people as possible.

In these events, meetings are held with other carnival groups and masquerades from other regions and even from other countries. The association saw an opportunity to bring other traditions to Vilaboa and established its own Entroidos Meeting, so that people from other locations with their own carnival traditions come to Cobres to share space, experiences, and culture, in addition to giving visibility to ancestral rituals that have survived over time or that have been recovered after years of oblivion.

The Entroidos Meeting was started in 2017, and is always held on the second Saturday of July so as not to coincide with any local festivals and to have adequate facilities (the Riomaior school and its facilities). In 2024 it was held for the 6th year (it was not held in 2020 and 2021 due to COVID), with 12 groups from Spain and Portugal taking part.

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